About the Challenge

The 100-days-of-coding challenge is like a coding bootcamp you do yourself! Its where you commit to spending at least an hour every day for 100 days learning or practicing how to code. This is a great way to improve your coding skills, no matter if you are a beginner or already know some coding.

One of the hardest parts of learning to code is sticking with it. The 100-day challenge helps you with this by making you commit publicly. You can tweet or share a LinkedIn post about your progress every day using the hashtag #100DaysOfCode. This way, other people who are doing the challenge can cheer you on and you can cheer them on too!

The most important thing about the 100-day challenge is to be consistent. Even if you can only code for a short amount of time each day or learn something new about Computer Science, thats still better than not coding at all. By spending a little bit of time every day, you will be surprised at how much you can learn and how much your coding skills can improve.

This challenge is led by Asharib Ali (Student Ambassador & Teaching Faculty Memeber) for Thousands of Students at GIAIC who are learning about cutting-edge technologies like AI with the latest tech-stack. The challenge is primarly organized for our official community on Discord, where we have a specific channel of 100-days-of-code.

Special thanks to Sir. Daniyal Nagori (CEO), Sir. Ameen Alam (Dean of Faculty), and the whole teaching faculty (100+ members) for suporting, and 50k+ tech students who are Currently learning from GIAIC (on-site at Governer House Sindh).